Daughters of Peace

This creation is elegant as well as beautiful. No longer did I use the magnet clasp, instead these have a butterfly toggle clasps. The brightest blue glass beads are complemented against the crystal pendants of a similar shape and shade. This selection was inspired by God, to give a visual image of the serenity that His perfect peace could provide in any one's life.

The braided strands in Daughters of Peace, are symbolic of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, the pearlized beads that slightly change shades with the light, speak to the changes in your life that God can make, as well as the butterflies being another symbol of renewal. It is to be worn by someone who not only has experienced the peace of God themselves, but seeks to minister that peace to others as well. It is God's way to bring someone through something tough so that they may also minister to someone who is going though a rough time themselves. This is the kind of gift that God wishes to bestow upon someone who has made it through the storms of life so they too may help others. May the God of Peace be with you now and always, I love you!

cost: $35 + shipping if necessary